L2C computation
Values near the nadir are masked because the radials are mostly across track. Near the outer edges of the swath, radials are mostly along track. Presumably, observations near edge suffer uncertainty similar to the near-nadir values. . Is guidance available for what across-track distance to mask (e.g., mask values for x_ac > 140)?


John O

Messages In This Thread
L2C computation - by Lucile Gaultier - 2018-10-04T08:18 AM
RE: L2C computation - by Lucile Gaultier - 2018-10-24T09:10 AM
RE: L2C computation - by Lucile Gaultier - 2019-01-17T09:48 PM
RE: L2C computation - by josborne - 2019-08-05T09:43 PM
RE: L2C computation - by Lucile Gaultier - 2019-08-06T06:01 AM
RE: L2C computation - by josborne - 2019-08-06T02:26 PM

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