How do I do animations?
Syntool is not able to save the animations unfortunately, you will have to install a screen recording software such as OBS ( to capture the content of the Syntool window and save it as a video file.

In order to improve the smoothness:
  • if possible, reduce the amount of data Syntool has to load and display: zoom and pan the map so that it only shows your area of interest
  • make sure you only select the products you want to see in your animation, the server should reply a bit faster if it only has to return the relevant results
  • play your animation at least twice: the first time it will be very jumpy because Syntool has to download images from the network, but if you try again immediately after you reach the end of your animation then Syntool will load images from the web browser cache (it should a lot faster)
  • if you used the animation controls, you will notice that there is a dropdown menu that lets you choose the animation speed (next to the "Play" button): sometimes choosing a slower speed results in smoother animation

Messages In This Thread
How do I do animations? - by EdHartnett - 2019-08-26T04:17 PM
RE: How do I do animations? - by EdHartnett - 2019-08-29T11:03 AM
RE: How do I do animations? - by Sylvain Herlédan - 2019-08-29T11:57 AM
RE: How do I do animations? - by EdHartnett - 2019-09-01T06:52 PM
RE: How do I do animations? - by Salo12 - 2020-07-21T07:33 PM
RE: How do I do animations? - by Charlotte124 - 2021-04-22T03:00 AM

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