Obtaining data presented in Tables
Thank very much for everything, you were truly helpful.
I followed your indications and got the files perfectly. I have now realised I do not have a way of accesing these files since I don't have the appropiate program. 
I have researched how to open these files and come across this website that lists free and commercial programmes that do such thing. 
However it seems (to me) that for most of them some basic programming knowledge is required. I have tried several of them and gotten nowhere. 
I was wondering if you could recomend any specific one or how to use them it would be of much help. 

I attach here the list of programmes.

Thanks again,

Messages In This Thread
Obtaining data presented in Tables - by gabo - 2021-01-18T11:29 AM
RE: Obtaining data presented in Tables - by gabo - 2021-01-18T04:31 PM
RE: Obtaining data presented in Tables - by gabo - 2021-01-20T09:15 AM

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